Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

Long before “Fake News,” the Greeks had a lively set of ideas about truth. The philosopher Socrates argued that absolute Truth (Sophia) is knowable and that we communicate best when we communicate only that Truth. His student, Plato, went further, saying that one can arrive at the Truth through the method of dialectic—which meant a process of questioning and testing. Taken together, Socrates and Plato proposed that wisdom isn’t based purely on possessing the “truth,” but—rather ironically—on being aware of one’s own ignorance of it.

Chris "Fake News" Nakamoto
Chris "Fake News" Nakamoto with his lovely family

 Since Baton Rouge’s WBRZ Reporter Chris Nakamoto¹ has reported a very distorted and debauched version of his own reality, the reasons for judgment are being offered to the public to get the whole picture and form their own opinions. He has yet insulted his audience again and failed to recognize that readers are smart and can read for themselves and see the forest for trees. However, that abandonment of his obligation, to tell the truth, has escaped him. But, what good would it do to tell the truth? That does not get the social media rage and clickbait he seeks in pursuit of his self-serving agenda to pat his own back.


¹ Nakamoto (中本) – ‘central origin’ or ‘(one who lives) in the middle’. IT’S UNFORTUNATE THAT HIS REPORTING CAPABILITY DOESN’T LIVE UP TO THAT OF HIS SURNAME.

While in the custody of Jason & Jennifer Joiner, Jailyn Barnes continues her history of being involved in numerous dangerous, immoral, and potentially criminal situations which continue to escalate in the degree of seriousness and frequency specifically during visitations with Defendant, Crysta Abelseth (mother). After reviewing the cell phone contents, it was discovered that some of these events are enabled by Crysta Abelseth and Jailyn Barnes was encouraged not to tell the Joiners.